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![]() ![]() How do I get my business credit score?Turn on the TV, read the newspaper or browse the Web and you're sure to find countless ways to obtain your personal credit scores. However, being a business owner also means you have another whole set of credit scores that need monitoring. So what's in your business credit score? As with personal credit, payment history has the largest impact on your business credit scores. Public records and company reputation affect your credit scores, too. This is where your merchant account plays a significant role in determining your credit scores. Fraud is looked at very closely and will trump a good payment history where business partners and lenders are concerned. If your business has been flagged frequently for your credit card processing, your credibility will be brought into question. Fraud, in regards to handling customer data and theft of information, is the leading cause of FTC lawsuits against credit card processing companies. This type of fraud by you or your employees not only jeopardizes your merchant account, it also hurts your business credit scores.
The major business credit reporting agencies
Your business credit scores are as important to the financial solvency of your business as your personal credit scores are to your individual financial survival. Unfortunately, your business credit scores are not free, and anyone can obtain a copy of them without your permission. Invest in monitoring your business credit scores and your company's future will be brighter because of it.
Published: July 3,2024Comments or Questions, Library of Stories