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Merchant account provider BluePay continues buying spreeBluePay, a credit card processing company and merchant account provider, has acquired Landmark Merchant Solutions LLC, its sixth acquisition in a little over a year. According to MarketWire, the acquisition adds more than 5,000 new merchant accounts to BluePay's current network. BluePay offers an extensive network of data centers located throughout America, as well as many credit card merchant account services and competitive pricing for credit card processing. BluePay Director Kristen Gramigna said in a statement that the company chose to acquire Landmark Merchant Solutions because of Landmark's excellent reputation and superior customer service. BluePay will continue to serve existing Landmark clients with the same great service and efficiency that they have grown accustomed to, Gramigna added. Indeed, BluePay offers an extensive array of service options, from retail and restaurant credit card processing to MOTO (mail order, telephone order) capabilities. When choosing a merchant account provider, business owners must consider the level of service they will require as well as the ways that they accept credit card and electronic payments from customers. Credit card processing is one of the chief concerns for today's business owners; it is often difficult to keep up with the latest processing technology. Not only do you need to choose a reputable, reliable service for your merchant account, but also you have to consider the features and prices for each service offering. It seems that some services, such as BluePay, are starting to dominate the market. Prices are just the beginning of the story for most business owners. Cost is important, of course, but it is vital to find the software and hardware solutions that will work best for your business. Some providers offer merchant accounts ideal for B2C (business-to-consumer) operations, for example, while others, including BluePay, offer B2B (business-to-business) solutions, tool. As merchant accounts and credit card processing continue, business owners must keep abreast of the latest developments in both technology and service. Every six months, it is a good idea to review your current accounts to make sure you are still getting the best deal for your money.
Published: August 3,2024Comments or Questions, Library of Stories