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Square mobile payment tool now available for iPhone
For many, the release of the iPhone has revolutionized the way they connect to the world at large. The next stage of the revolution, some say, has begun with the newest iPhone application, courtesy of the masterminds behind Twitter. On May 11, Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey released Square, which turns your iPhone or WiFi-connected iPod Touch into a portable credit card acceptance device. With manual imprinters already a thing of the past, and electric point of sale terminals being phased out by wireless terminals, Square has the potential to revolutionize the way small businesses work.
What is Square?
How can Square help small and mobile businesses?
What can large companies learn from Square? In an increasingly portable world, the development of Square has the potential to revolutionize credit card technology. It's the next logical step in the progression of merchant accounts. From smaller businesses looking to expand their market, to larger retailers who need to change to meet the times, Square opens doors and presents opportunities for growth and change to each.
Updated: May 11,2024Comments or Questions, Library of Stories